Spring arrives, but you are tired and run down instead of being happy and invigorated. What is causing this? And how can we ensure that we feel healthy and energised in the spring?

Dreaming of the spring

We are all longing for spring to arrive. After a long winter of dark days and cold weather, we all desire warm sunny days, the sound of birdsong, and waking up in the daylight rather than darkness. And yet when spring does arrive, we don’t feel invigorated and happy. Instead, many of us are tired, irritable and lethargic. And despite avoiding catching a cold all winter, our immune systems feel depleted, and we suffer from a bout of flu. It seems counterintuitive - spring has arrived, yet we are more unhealthy than ever. So what is causing this?

Spring overdrive

With the longer days and the increase in natural sunlight, our bodies awaken from their seasonal slumber. Our nervous systems react, going into overdrive. We secrete hormones from both the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine glands. For some people, this leads to a greater susceptibility to diseases and conditions in their lungs and stomachs. Instead of the first days of spring bringing us joy and new vitality, we find ourselves confined to bed with viruses or feeling depressed and lethargic.

Winter mismanagement

With our nervous systems excitedly going into overdrive as spring arrives, the problems this can bring are compounded by what we might call ‘winter mismanagement’. During the cold winter, millions don't eat so well, consuming too many carbohydrates and sugary products rather than a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. If we don’t eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts, legumes and seeds, then in the spring, we begin to suffer from avitaminosis.

What is avitaminosis?

Avitaminosis is a deficiency of vitamins in a person’s diet. Other names for this condition are malnutrition, vitamin deficiency or deficiency disease. In some cases, it happens due to excessive vitamin intake. Avitaminosis also likely plays a role in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

What are the harmful effects of avitaminosis?

Avitaminosis can lead to several health complications, including diarrhoea, dermatitis, stomatitis, and mental health issues, to name but a few.

How do we fight against avitaminosis?

The best way to avoid illness is through prevention rather than cure. And prevention means a healthy balanced diet rich in all the vitamins and minerals we need, including Vitamins A, B12, C, D, and K. These vitamins are found in foods we mentioned previously, including fish, fresh vegetables and fruit. For pregnant mothers, vegans and others, vitamin supplements can help when they cannot obtain all the vitamins needed from their daily diets.

A little secret you need to know!

Here is a little secret doctors and health articles usually fail to share with people: Vitamin therapy is ineffective when there isn’t enough protein in the body. Your body cannot function well if it has insufficient protein intake. Protein is what makes our muscles, skin, and hormones tick. You may be surprised to discover that one in seven people on planet Earth suffers from protein deficiency; that’s more than one billion people! Tell-tale signs include poor hair and nail health, bone fractures, excess calorie intake, and fatty liver.

The most abundant structural protein found in humans and other animals is collagen.

What is collagen? And how can it complement vitamin therapy?

Collagen is found in the body’s connective tissues. It is part of our bones, skin and tendons. Collagen is composed of glycine, amino acids, proline and hydroxyproline. Collagen plays an essential role in our health. Collagen improves the immune response and aids tissue repair. While we need to get enough vitamins and minerals in our diets during the winter, it is also important to emphasise that without enough proteins, especially collagen, vitamin therapy won’t work.

What are collagen peptides?

Collagen peptides are your secret weapon for feeling healthier and fighting avitaminosis. Hydrolyzed collagen is composed of low molecular weight peptides. Low molecular weight makes collagen an easily digestible and bioavailable dietary supplement. Once successfully absorbed and circulated around the human body, it can work its magic.

How can you ensure you have optimum collagen levels?

The good news is that consuming pure marine collagen for the correct amount of time can ensure we have the optimum collagen levels. What is the right amount of time? You will see benefits within a couple of weeks, but the perfect amount of time is three months. Add Col Du Marine pure marine collagen to your morning coffee starting tomorrow and you can help ensure that you no longer suffer from the harmful effects of avitaminosis.

What is Col Du Marine?

Col Du Marine™ is a Marine Collagen Peptides powder in its pure, optimum form. It is micro-granulated, boasts a low molecular weight, and is neutral tasting. It’s easy to add to your daily routine as it is 100% soluble in your favourite drink.

What else can we do to ensure we feel healthier and full of vitality in spring?

The simple answer is: be kind to ourselves! Living a healthy balanced lifestyle filled with positivity makes us stronger, healthier and happier.

Add as many of the following to your lifestyle as possible (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Regular exercise
  • A minimum of 7 hours of quality sleep
  • Get out in the sunlight and nature
  • Walk or cycle instead of driving or taking public transport
  • Add Col Du Marine collagen powder to your daily morning routine
  • Go to bed and get up at a similar time every day whenever possible
  • Socialise more with friends and family
  • Spend less time using gadgets and being online
  • Practice gratitude
  • Don’t smoke or consume alcohol
  • Be authentic
  • Smile and laugh more
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fish, vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts and legumes.

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